What To Do About Health Care With A Pre-Existing Condition?

By Rey Vetangelo

Choosing a health care plan can be stressful enough on its own, but many people in the United States suffer from pre-existing health conditions, which can make the selection of a health care plan more stressful and more expensive. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to make choosing a plan easier. Follow these steps in order to find a health care plan that will provide for your needs:

Understand what "Pre-Existing Condition" means. The first step in finding a health insurance plan in this situation is to find out if the term "pre-existing condition" applies to you. Generally speaking, health insurance companies view a pre-existing condition as any medical condition that you have contracted before applying for insurance. However, it pays to know how each company defines your situation, so make sure you have a good understanding of what your condition is, when you contracted it, and how it affects you.

But even beyond that, you get to know your body from fingertip to toe-tip. Understanding the bounds of each limb, the precise strength of your core, and feeling the rush of it all working together in harmony (not to mention endorphins) leaves you with a wonderful sense of physical and emotional confidence.

This leads us to the second point - emotional well-being. It is widely acknowledged that physical health is closely related to emotional health. Everyone knows you just feel better right after you work out. Those feelings tend to linger throughout the day. Additionally, dancing is a great emotional outlet. It is an amazing way to express physically what you feel emotionally. Letting all that energy, anger, frustration, or joy, exhilaration, and excitement out through your body leaves you feeling satisfied.

Screenings. Another vital part of prenatal care is the variety of screenings you need in order to make sure your baby can get off to the best start in life. Some of the most common ones are to test for Rh incompatibility, iron deficiency anemia and infections. In addition, doctors can check you for gestational diabetes, which can have a severe effect on your child's health if left untreated.

Be aware of enrollment dates. People often forget that unless you have a qualifying life event (income raise, marriage, divorce, etc.), there is a specific time period during which you can apply for health insurance. Make sure you do your research in advance so that you know when your desired health care is available for enrollment.

As long as you make sure to do your research accurately and in advance, finding a health care plan that covers your pre-existing condition for an affordable price should be achievable.

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